Recent Posts by admin

Roof Painting

I am often asked, what is the difference between roof restoration and roof painting? The easiest way to explain it is by explaining the process of painting a gyprock wall. If the wall is perfect and undamaged then you can paint it, but if there is any damage you have to repair it, before it…
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Roof Repair

Is your tile roof having a leak? Does your roof have cracked tiles? Did one of the kids dislodge a tile when playing cricket in your backyard on a weekend? Roof leaks and damages occur due to broken tiles, loose ridges, old cracked flashing, unsecured areas and blocked gutters. Diamond Tiling Roofing Services is available…
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Tile Rebed and Repoint

Do your ridge caps look old and are they starting to crack? This is the most common problem that we face when it comes to Concrete and Terracotta tiles. These tiles will need to be re-bedded and re-pointed, with flexi-point every 10 years or so. In most cases, ridges may only need to be re-pointed…
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Roof Painting and Glazing

People want to paint (or glaze) their roof for many reasons. Roof painting is carried out for three main reasons: Give a high gloss to your tile roof (which will look fantastic) Add additional protection to your tiles Additional insulation to your home The great thing is that with three coats that are included in…
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